


2022年9月19日 世界杯官方app was once again recognized for its commitment to supporting military-affiliated students by 军事时报该机构将该校列入了2022年最受欢迎的大学名单 最适合退伍军人:大学. 今年, 然而, 世界杯官方app在全国最佳兽医排行榜上取得了巨大的进步, 比2021年的排名高出90位.

去年, 世界杯官方app was slotted at 121st overall 和 8th in Texas in the comprehensive ranking of colleges 和 universities that best serve military service members 和 退伍军人. 今年,世界杯官方app排名第31位,在德克萨斯州排名第4位.

More than 300 institutions were evaluated through the latest 最适合退伍军人:大学 survey, which included more than 70 questions seeking details about each school’s services 和 programs specific to military students—whether they’re active-duty, 退伍军人或军人家属和家属. Student success metrics were the most important factor in determining the ranking of schools on this year’s list, followed closely by the range of military-specific resources 和 the level of financial assistance they offer. 招生, registration policies 和 human resources also factored into the rankings.

迈克尔·洛根 ’10, M.Ed. ’11, Ph.D. ’19, 世界杯官方app’s senior director of the Office of Veteran 和 Military Affairs (VMA), said that several achievements throughout the past year have facilitated the success of 世界杯官方app’s military-affiliated students 和 the university’s rise up the rankings.

“I could not be more proud of the collaborative efforts of VMA staff 和 世界杯官方app’s student 退伍军人, 这些都是非常艰巨的任务.”

VMA包括联邦和州福利认证, the Military Affiliated Collaborative 和 the 世界杯官方app军事附属学生中心, 哪一种能容纳5人以上,000名军人, 退伍军人 和 their families so they may achieve their educational goals. 洛根说,一个关键的成就是重大的数字更新. VMA exp和ed its presence on social media 和 the 世界杯官方app Mobile app to reach more of its target population in addition to a total revamp of the 这是学校为军校学生开设的网站, 让这5个人更容易,000+ students to effectively navigate 和 utilize military education benefits.

“Underst和ing that the vast majority of our 退伍军人 are first-generation students, we redesigned our website to streamline 和 highlight the most important information,洛根解释道.

VMA also collaborated with other 世界杯官方app departments such as Financial Aid, Fiscal Services 和 the Office of the Registrar to create back-office processes that improved accuracy, speed 和 made the experience more seamless for military-affiliated students.

Exp和ing outreach 和 engagement activities has been another important focus for the VMA team since 2021. 洛根说那个大型开放日被称为 世界杯官方app天 现在已经成为他的员工的“全体活动”了吗, which also hosts workshops for each military education benefit the university offers every semester. His team has created video walkthroughs 和 has made staff available to collaborate with 招生 for valuable information sessions. Most notably, 世界杯官方app’s Coffee with Vets networking events have become more popular than ever.

“The growth of Coffee with Vets has led to a boom in community-building, 因为参加的不仅仅是世界杯官方app的退伍学生, 还有教职员工, 员工和像贾奇这样的社区成员 彼得酒井法子 和州参议员 何塞·梅内德斯洛根说。. “它很快就变成了一场全场爆满的活动.”

世界杯官方app 16% of the university’s students are affiliated with the military, 包括现役军人, 退伍军人, 储备/警卫, 以及他们的配偶和家属. 记住这一点, 世界杯官方app的目标是接触到更多的这些学生洛根说。, through the soon-to-be-launched Military Community Ambassador (MCA) program. mca将接受大学的金融知识培训 一站式招生中心 以补充他们的军事教育知识的好处, with the goal of providing representatives who are a truly comprehensive information resource for military-affiliated students. 然后,这些大使将被安置在世界杯官方app的六所学校 大学生成功中心.

这一势头建立在世界杯官方app作为一个公认的 2022-23黄金军事友好学校 几个月前. 近年来, the university consolidated its many veteran services within the Center for Military Affiliated Students, 位于约翰·皮斯图书馆的一楼, 引导世界杯官方app的军事社区联网, 社交, 发现好处,更容易浏览大学. 新的编程, 如优先登记和为退伍军人量身定制的定向, veteran resource fairs 和 professional development 和 wellness workshops, 也是在那个时期发展起来的吗.

⇒ 了解更多有关 世界杯官方app军事附属学生中心.
⇒ 关注世界杯官方app退伍军人和军事事务 脸谱网推特 和 Instagram.

世界杯官方app is consistently recognized for this unique consolidated model that brings together all military-affiliated services under a single administrative umbrella. Logan said he takes pride in the latest Best for Vets ranking 和 the university’s vast efforts to support military-affiliated students, which started under 世界杯官方app’s founding director of veteran 和 military affairs, 你退休.S. 空军上校. 丽莎·卡灵顿·菲尔曼,并将在洛根的领导下继续发展.

“作为一名退伍军人和三届世界杯官方app校友, I am keenly aware of the challenges our students face 和 I take very personally the responsibility of creating a legacy of veteran support 和 包容 at my alma mater洛根说。. “I could not be more proud of the collaborative efforts of VMA staff 和 世界杯官方app’s student 退伍军人, 这些都是非常艰巨的任务, in striving to be the model for veteran 和 military-affiliated support in higher education.”


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